RHINO advocates for training experts around the world to effectively strengthen RHIS. As information systems continue to evolve, from paper-based to electronic systems that reach down to the community levels, demand will continue to grow for seasoned RHIS professionals.
There are a number of competencies required to design and strengthen RHIS around the world. What kind of HIS professional are you?

Image Source: AHIMA 2015, Global Academic Curricula Competencies for Health Information Professionals
As you look to build your own capabilities and train colleagues, you may find the following resources useful::
- DHIS2 Academies are routinely facilitated to build skills related to the use of DHIS2, one of the most prolific open source RHIS tools. Links to training materials from previous Academies are also available.
- MEASURE Evaluation Training Partnerships:MEASURE Evaluation has established partnerships with selected universities and training and research centers in developing countries to offer high-quality training in M&E skills, tools, and innovations.
- A Toolkit for Planning an Information Systems Project gives a step-by-step overview for designing and implementing technology and ICT as part of an information systems project based on experiences from Project Optimize
- Materials for Trainers: MEASURE Evaluation offers training materials created collaboratively by numerous staff, with input from expert colleagues, for use in our regional workshops. The materials are available at no cost. Please use and/or adapt these materials as needed for training or for reference, but remember to acknowledge MEASURE Evaluation’s contribution in any resulting presentations or publications
You can find updates on trainings and related events on our Calendar.
Do you have a great HIS resource for HIS capacity development? Share it with us!