Reply To: iHRIS and Payroll

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Samuel Johnson

Hi Carl, thanks for the pointer towards the HR Open Standards (HR-XML) – I wasn’t aware of them, and they look like they’re being adopted quite widely in recruitment/screening systems.

The key question is probably: do the older payroll systems used by most governments accommodate these standards? As Tariq points out, although a persuasive case can be put to an MoH to introduce new HR information systems, it is a huge challenge to get MoF staff to modify their systems, since this doesn’t directly benefit them.

So for this to work, either their payroll suppliers need to adopt HR-XML standards, or we need to develop HR-XML ‘connectors’ for the major payroll packages that are out there, which can use the native APIs, messaging or export functionality in each system…

Either way, experience tells me that the effort involved would be well worth the benefits it would bring.

PS – full disclosure: I wasn’t able to join the webinar, so am basing my comments solely on the forum discussions.