Reply To: Health facility data verification

David Boone

Hello all,

We recently conducted a DQR in Sierra Leone using the standard tools for data collection (adapted for country-specified indicators), including the CSPro modules for data capture on tablet computers in the field. I find CSPro a bit cumbersome for data management on the PC but it seems to work great for data entry in the field.

As part of the WHO package of tools there are guidelines that explain how to adapt the CSPro SARA and DQR modules to local systems, configure CSPro data entry modules for the tablet environment (Android and Windows OS), facilitating the remote upload of results to the central server, and for creating the indicators for use in the Excel Chartbook.

I was wondering if anyone has had experience they can share of using the WHO tools specifically, or using CSPro for health facility surveys more generally (particularly for electronic data collection in the field).

